Following in the footsteps of Ashcroft and Woolf, it was the turn of Franklin and Fonteyn in the exciting Lower School Bake Sale Competition.

As lunchtime approached, representatives from Franklin and Fonteyn took up their position at their stands situated at either end of the playground. Tupperware was opened and cakes were presented for a surge of hungry customers. Chocolate chip cookies, slices of lemon drizzle and even cupcakes in the famous Fonteyn yellow were flying off the stands as, once again, offers and counter offers were announced via Mr Galloway on the playground microphone.

High on adrenaline (and maybe sugar), the selling period was sooner over and girls in Franklin and Fonteyn helped pack away. It was then over to Mr Galloway and his team to double check the totals and here are the results…

Fonteyn raised: £216.96
Franklin raised: £347.05

Which means Franklin were successful in raising the most money by quite a lot! Fonteyn also played their part. £546.01 is incredible for a single lunchtime!

After the first round of bake sales here are the scores on the doors:

Franklin £347.05
Fonteyn £216.96
Ashcroft £179.20
Woolf £177.22

The totals raised will be donated to our school charities, KLS, In Deep and Mvumi!

Lower School Bake Sale - Franklin vs Fonteyn (10)