ISI Inspection Report 2017 Comments

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Francis Holland Junior School provides an extremely happy, warm and lively environment, in which each individual grows, gains self-worth, is confident and has a great enthusiasm for learning.

As the 2017 Independent Schools Inspectorate report noted:

‘Girls show very good levels of knowledge, understanding and skills across the curriculum’

Above all, the Junior School fosters the care and awareness of the needs of others, not only in the school community but in the wider world.  This too was noted by the ISI:

‘The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.’

The Junior School has a record of excellent results at 11+. Juniors also have the added advantage of being taught by specialist teachers from the Senior School and they benefit from the dedicated ICT and Science facilities. As the ISI noted:

‘From the earliest years of junior school onwards, girls use their ICT skills with confidence’

A close relationship between parents, teachers and girls is fostered at all times. Parents know that there is ‘an open door policy’ and they are kept well informed at all stages of their daughter’s development.

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