In this week’s current affairs assembly, Years 4, 5 and 6 learnt all about fast fashion. The girls learnt how fashion has changed throughout history, from bespoke custom-made clothing of the past to the fast fashion model that is prevalent today. The girls were astonished to hear how cheap some items of clothing are now – less than the cost of a coffee and snack! They discussed how buying cheap comes at a high cost, both for the workers in the supply chains and the environmental impact they have on our planet. The girls were shocked to hear that three out of five garments end up in landfill within 12 months of being bought and that it takes on average 9000 litres of water to produce a pair of jeans. Finally, the girls discussed how they could make a difference by championing vintage clothing, caring and repairing for the clothes they owned and donating unwanted clothes to charity.

Miss Adams, Year 4 Class Teacher

Click here to view the assembly.