My friends and I all agree that the Year 8 Choir Tour to Paris was an unforgettable trip full of music, joy and adventure! I think everyone’s favourite part was when we sang at Disneyland! It was a magical experience which we concluded with exploring all of Disneyland – and the rides too! We also had the privilege of singing in the beautiful Amiens Cathedral. Its gothic architecture was a definite highlight of my trip. Another great memory was going on a boat trip on the Seine, which gave us a chance to see wonderful Paris. I can’t forget to mention all the delicious food we ate; my favourite was a restaurant called Flam’s close to the first church we had sung at. Overall, I really enjoyed my choir trip to France and hope for more tours like this in the future. Thanks to all the teachers involved in organising it and for all their care!

Marianna Dragoumis, Year 8

Lower School Choir Tour to Paris (54)