Odd Socks Day marked the beginning of a very important week in the mental health and wellbeing calendar, Anti-Bullying Week. This year, the theme was “Reach Out”, which came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance that coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year. Teachers and children wanted a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Our PSHE lessons this week have been centred around this important theme and the girls have reflected upon how they can work as a community to eradicate bullying behaviour. We have also thought carefully about avenues of support and Year 5 very helpfully created “Reach Out” posters to be displayed around the school.

Well done to all year groups for discussing this difficult topic with maturity and for their continued efforts in spreading kindness and positivity in our school community.

Miss Dixon, Year 3 Class Teacher