Learning Support

We believe it is vital that we cater to all learning styles and abilities, ensuring all our girls reach their full potential at FHS.

This category of the 2019-20 Senior School Annual Fund seeks to provide those additional extras that really have a significant impact on how well we can support and teach your daughters, but also how successful we are at instilling confidence in their own abilities.

SPaRCs is a test that assesses core academic and thinking skills that pupils need to be able to perform effectively in school examinations, namely spelling, processing speed and reading comprehension speed. Not only will this enhance our current bank of tests, but it will provide us with more information about the specific strengths and weaknesses of the pupil. This enables us to offer greater support to our girls who need an extra hand when finding their academic groove. In addition to the test, we would purchase additional record forms as each can only be used once.

These voice recorders are excellent for pupils to use when they want to talk through their ideas prior to writing. Pupils with excellent verbal skills can sometimes find it more difficult to get their thoughts down on paper; these recorders allow pupils to play back their ideas and ‘capture’ their excellent vocabulary and ideas. This will allow us to increase our ability to educate diverse minds and support all manner of learning styles.

A great visual tool for understanding convection, allowing us to cater to all learning styles. It will also make Lab 3 the envy of all staff and pupils (and the best in the School!)

This gadget will help pupils understand both magnetism and electromagnetism induction across all years, whilst supporting those who prefer to learn with visual aids. It’s also a very cool item to have in the classroom, and we’re pretty excited about this one…!

MP3 players may seem a slightly out-dated ask. However, they are a great tool for our senior girls to access individualised listening activities. The MFL department wants to move from CD players to digital devices to keep up with technological advancements and make these more accessible and easier to use. We also hope this facilitates the girls learning by providing a ‘distraction free’, one-purpose device.

Junior School
Senior School
Sixth Form

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