Co-Curricular & Enrichment

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Our co-curricular activities really are what creates a buzz at FHS. We are so privileged to have such dedicated members of staff who run an average of 25 clubs a day! The girls absolutely love having the freedom to choose from so many on offer, allowing them to explore and develop their interests in an unrestricted and independent way.

This category of the 2019-20 Senior School Annual Fund seeks to enhance the clubs we currently have on offer with exciting, additional extras.

Bobby the tortoise is one of our VIP residents belonging to the members of our infamous Animal Club. This item would increase Bobby’s overall quality of life as he currently spends all his time indoors. The girls seem to find Bobby endlessly fascinating and they are very keen to see him live in style!

Hatching Chicks is an activity that is run throughout schools at a national level. It has proven to be a wonderful way to bring London’s young people closer to the wonders of nature and biology. In previous years, girls have been highly moved and amazed by being witness to the hatching process. During hatching, you can see the eggs wobble, hear the cheeping from within the egg, and even communicate by clucking to the chick and receiving a cluck back. This is an immersive and highly memorable experience for the girls and even proves useful in the more senior biology lessons.

We relish the ability to offer extension lectures for all students and any visitors (including parents or students and staff from other schools). We love the opportunity to inspire the girls, introduce them to new and innovative ideas, illustrating that – with determination and enthusiasm – the sky truly is the limit. The Visiting Speaker Fund allows us to do this and entice speakers we might not otherwise get.

We aim to raise £3,000 for the Visiting Speaker Fund. So far we have raised £500. Please adjust the donation figure on the payment page to reflect your desired gift towards this ambitious target.

Click here to donate to the Visiting Speaker Fund.

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