Life Skills

Once a week, the Senior School meet for their Life Skills lessons. The programme is devised with a whole-school approach so that topics are age appropriate and readdressed when required.

These classes are delivered through a combination of external speakers, internal staff presentations and tutor-led activities. They cover the programme of Personal, Social and Health Economic Education (PSHE) which is required in schools. Relationship and Sexual Health Education (RSE) are an important part of these lessons and is led by an external specialist provider, Esteem (a branch of Acet UK), who is fully in line with our Christian ethos.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Identity and self-esteem
  • Body image and the media
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Physical wellbeing
  • Risk and safety
  • Mindfulness


  • Understanding relationships
  • SRE (relationships and sex education)
  • Communication
  • Media and Online Safety

Living in the Wider World

  • Identity, skills and strengths
  • Citizenship
  • Fundamental British Values
  • Careers
  • Finance and employment
  • Enterprise

Our speaker programme is highly valued by the girls and includes subject specialists in relationships with friends and parents, coping with feelings and emotions, up to date information and stark facts on drugs, raising awareness about eating disorders, how to get a restful night’s sleep and how to manage their finances amongst other relevant topics.

The programme also contains careers advice, learning how to destress with techniques such as Mindfulness and Study Skills as well as tutor led discussions and lessons created in house to help the girls in their journey through the school.

Life Skills lessons all have the same aim of empowering teenagers with common sense skills in order to take care of themselves as they go through this challenging time in their lives.


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