Last week, Mlak, Syra, Keziah, Anna and Betsy, all Year 12, were invited to the Eden Court Retirement Village Coronation Tea Party, in recognition of their work volunteering at Eden Court this year. Keziah shares her thoughts below:

“On the Friday before the Coronation, Syra, Mlak, Anna, Betsy and I went to visit the Eden Court Retirement Home in Battersea to pay our friends a visit and celebrate the Coronation by eating cake and drinking tea with them.

“We had previously visited Eden Court with other students in the Autumn Term, where we did many activities together and created a great deal of memories with some of the residents. It was lovely to visit those who we hadn’t seen in a while and catch up on what they’d been up to since Christmas. We also got to chat with some family members of our friends who came to visit their parents for this special weekend; they were very pleased to see that their parents or uncles and aunts had visitors who weren’t family members.

“It’s always a pleasure to go to Eden Court and hear marvellous accounts in which they met Elvis, or were once having a cup of tea with the Queen in the Bahamas, or even when they used to be a senior policeman. All this catching up occurred whilst an extremely talented and funny pianist entertained those in the lounge room, where friends were laughing, family members were dancing and grandchildren were running around chuckling! Not only that, but two staff members dressed up as the King and Queen and went around taking photos with the residents, which I think they found very entertaining. We even managed to sneak a photo with them ourselves!”

Mr Galloway, Head of Outreach and Teacher of English