This week, Ms Reedah El-Saie joined us to discuss innovation, creativity & women in tech. She is the founder of multi-award winning EdTech start-up, BrainSpark Games, which is developing an ‘eduverse’ of 3D immersive educational mobile games aligned with the UK national curriculum.

She showed us a video demo which allowed us to enter the immersive game play world and experience the graphical quality of the game space. Ms El-Saie shared her personal motivation to start the project and described how she was able to develop a good idea into something tangible by collaborating with the right team of people. We learned that she felt out of her comfort zone throughout much of the process but has gained new skills in a wide range of areas – educational research, technology development and grant application writing, to name but a few.

The girls were encouraged to participate by joining the board of brilliant brains and offered help and support with their own start-ups! Thank you to Mrs El Saie for an inspirational presentation.

Dr Price, STEAM Champion