On Thursday, 14 students from Years 9 and 10 visited the Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank Warehouse to take part in a sort. This is an ongoing initiative that has now seen 56 pupils from various year groups (and 9 parents) volunteer for over 195 hours sorting donated items into categories so that they can be taken to foodbank distribution sessions.

During our visit, Steve from the Foodbank told us how grateful the foodbank organisation are for FHS donations. We remain their biggest single donor of food items. You may see in the pictures attached to this story the sheer scale of the food that is distributed to those in need (over 3 tonnes per week).

And it’s not just food… Steve explained to us all how the foodbank sessions are a chance for those in need to receive guidance and support, and to be signposted to services that may be able to help them in their time of need. Contrary to popular belief, many people that use the foodbank are in employment; Steve told us the story of an NHS nurse who, for a time, had to visit the foodbank each month.

We are so proud of how our community continues to support the vital work of the foodbank. Our next collection is on Tues 12th March at 8:30am in the playground.

Mr Galloway, Head of Outreach

Outreach Superstar of the Week - Year 9 and 10 Foodbank Warehouse Sort