On Monday, several GCSE and A Level Classicists travelled to FHS Regent’s Park to hear the author Natalie Haynes speak. She has just released a new book called Stone Blind. This story is a fresh take on the well-known myth of Medusa, in the perspective of Medusa and the impact of living her life in the shadows. Having listened to the podcast ‘Stand Up for the Classics’ and having read some of her books, it was amazing to see her in person and heard first-hand the anger she felt on Medusa’s behalf, and the justification she felt in being able to tell this story so famous, but only from the male perspective, was fascinating. This talk was informative, but also relatable as she was really funny. Even if you don’t know much about the Classics, Natalie Haynes’ podcast and books are great for anyone!

Dr Hayes, Head of Classics