On Tuesday, we had the great privilege of having Sajid Javid speak to the Sixth Form as part of our Life Skills programme. Mr. Javid is a Conservative MP who has held many Cabinet positions, including Home Secretary, Chancellor and, most recently, Health Secretary. He resigned as Health Secretary in July along with former Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

An interview-style session conducted by Ms. Wilkes and Ms. Stansfield touched on a range of topics such as holding an important government post during times of national crisis and his favourite and most embarrassing memories as an MP. Mr. Javid spoke to us about his interest in politics from an early age, which came about because of his father’s own interest in it, and the struggles of becoming an MP, especially when coming from an ethnic minority background. Additionally, he spoke about his financial background and politics as a career choice, warning that while a career as an MP and minister can be incredibly rewarding, it comes at great expense, such as the lack of job stability and the constant abuse on social media.

His genuine and honest approach appealed to the sixth formers, who were eager to engage in asking questions at the end.

Mia Wilson and Aayana Chandok, Politics Prefects, Upper Sixth

Sajid Javid Talk - Sony (21)