On Wednesday 22nd March, Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in their annual Classics Festival. The afternoon included a variety of activities for everyone to enjoy, and at the end of the day we gave out a number of prizes for the Classics Champions in each year group and to the Overall Classics Champion who put in a fantastic effort on the day and in preparation for the festival. Well done to each of these – Darya in Year 4, Millie in Year 5 and Anastasiya in Year 6 – who each won their year group’s Classics Champion Prize. This year’s Junior School Classics Champion is Constancia (in Year 5), who made some outstanding work on the Trojan Horse in her Classics lessons and showed outstanding creativity in the afternoon’s activities.

Our keen Year 5 Greek class had this to say about the festival. I have special thanks to give to Sofia T, Mandy, Ilia, Eva, Aara and Ruby B for their contributions to this report, but all of Year 5 gave some lovely feedback:

We made some clay pots and had to mould them with our fingers and thumbs.

We did some freeze frames with Dr Hayes. We were put into groups and each group had a director. The director would tell everyone what to do (which was really fun). Then we would act and Dr Hayes would say “freeze” and we ended up doing some totally dramatic freeze frames.

We made name badges with our names in ancient Greek and we got to decorate them.

We presented our work from this term’s Classics lessons to the other year groups.

We had the chance to see everyone’s work.

The Classics Festival was amazing fun because we got to learn from the other year groups and there were some books given out as prizes at the end.

Dr Hayes, Head of Classics

Junior Classics Festival (5)