Two FHS pupils have had their creative work featured as part of COP26 through the UKSSN (UK Schools Sustainability Network) and Planetary International.

Shortlisted entries to Planetary International’s student anthology competition ‘The Pupil Power Roadshow’ (including poetry, drawings, photography and more) are being broadcast into the Blue and Green zones at COP26. In addition, the artwork is featured in the Google Arts & Culture Digital Green Zone which will give people an insight into what’s happening from wherever they are in the world including 60 stories showcasing some of the organisations and communities that are present at COP26.

A poem by Ophelia S (Year 9) and a painting by Honor T (Year 10) are part of The Pupil Power Roadshow which gives a voice to school children up and down the country.

Alongside these broadcasts, UKSSN are taking a group of students to the summit who will be wearing specially designed t-shirts – featuring a selection of entries including Ophelia’s poem and Honor’s painting! Planetary International says, “The ‘Roving Gallery’ will be wearing a top displaying both a visual and poetry entry to walk around the event, sharing your voices further than we ever thought possible!”

These great achievements run in parallel to the launch of the FHS Sustainability Team in September 2021, which aims to realise our pledge to become a net zero carbon school by 2030 alongside hundreds of other schools in the UK as members of the ‘Let’s Go Zero’ campaign. We are so proud that our girls are already championing this incredibly important cause and that their voices are being heard.

Huge congratulations to Honor and Ophelia!