On Friday the 15th of October, six FHS girls took part in the Look Up Live Youth for Youth iSummit.

We shared a panel with Liz Smith, a documentary-maker, and discussed her upcoming film, ‘I am Gen Z’. The film explores how the digital revolution is impacting the lives of young people, and, rather poignantly, exposes the harsh reality of social media and the forces behind it. As members of Gen Z, we explored the enormous impact that being ‘born digital’, has had on us, and our generation as a whole. We were given the chance to share our thoughts, concerns and hopes for the digital world as we began to tackle the important question: ‘what needs to change?’.

While the documentary left us shocked and concerned for our generation, the thought-provoking discussion which followed empowered us. It showed us that, united, we have the power to make the necessary change for a healthier digital future.

Carolina J
Lower Sixth pupil