On Wednesday, Year 6 travelled to New Bond Street for the second part of their leadership programme focusing on luxury fashion brands. Prior to the trip, the retail director, Clare Quintanal, had delivered an inspirational presentation on her path to success, championing a leadership role at Louis Vuitton. During this exclusive tour via Clare and her team, the girls learnt about visual merchandising, employee structuring and client experience.

The tour concluded with the girls being taken to ‘the apartment’ where only select customers are permitted to enter. Vinyl covered walls with secret doors led to hidden rooms housing a museum of limited-edition products. The girls were then taught about how Brexit and tax had affected clients from across the globe and how this impacted on buying trends. Manon stunned us all with her clear understanding and definition of tax and Elizabeth asked a fantastic question about inflation and its impact. The diversity of the Louis Vuitton team was interesting to hear about as most of their employees are bilingual and even trilingual, not unlike our pupils! They regularly celebrate the diversity in the company sharing food and conversation in different languages.

This was the first time Louis Vuitton had opened their doors for a school tour so it was a huge privilege for us all!

Mr Russell, Year 6 Class Teacher

Year 6 Trip to Louis Vuitton (16)