On Pi Day (Tuesday 14th March), 16 girls from Year 8 and 9 were selected to compete in a series of difficult mathematical challenges against our sister school, Francis Holland School, Regent’s Park. Each Wednesday in the weeks leading up to the event, the girls spent their lunch time attempting the different Olympiad challenges, devising strategies, and identifying their teams’ strengths. Over time their scores slowly started to increase as they understood the nature of the challenges, creating confidence and excitement for the real competition. The girls were placed in groups of four, two from each year group, creating integration between year groups and allowing them to learn from their peers.

On the day of the Pi Day competition, we welcomed our competition: sixteen girls from FHS Regent’s Park. It was so wonderful to see that the collaboration that is so important to all of us here was also present in their teams as well. We had multiple rounds of challenging maths questions: the relay round was our favourite, since everyone was eagerly running off to deliver the questions to their friends. It even got a little competitive between those of us who were supervising the teams, because we all felt so proud of the girls and had been getting to know them throughout the day. We did breathe a sigh of relief when Miss Brown announced that Sloane Square had won, but were equally in awe of the mathematical prowess of many of the girls there – Regent’s Park and Sloane Square girls alike. Louisa Regulla-Wilkens, one of our own students in Year 9, displayed determination and should be commended for her excellent teamwork. A special thanks must also be given to Miss Brown, who organised the entire competition and ensured there were no problems – except the maths ones, of course! All in all, it was a fantastic way to celebrate Pi day and we hope next year’s celebrations will be even better.


FHS Sloane Square – 289 Points

FHS Regent’s Park – 275 Points

First Place Team – FHS Regent’s Park Blue Team (81 points)

Pi Day Maths Challenge vs FHS Regent