Last term, Headmistress, Mrs Elphinstone talked to the girls about using their time, talent and treasure to help others and do good in the world. We were delighted to hear (as we returned to remote learning) that one of our Year 10 pupils, Beatrice B, has been using some of her time to bake muffins and cupcakes for the elderly at a charity very close to the heart of FHS, In-Deep Community Task Force.

Baking is an activity that many of us have turned to since the start of the pandemic. Although Beatrice’s baking was very much appreciated by her own family, she was baking more than they were able to eat, and so Beatrice and her family came up with the idea of sharing it with the elderly at In-Deep. They got in touch with Founder, Emma Chapman, to ask if she knew anyone who would be happy to receive home baked cakes. Emma offered to take 40 individual muffins and cupcakes a week to distribute to their elderly. Beatrice baked three different flavours for the delivery and is aiming to make this a weekly task while she is attending school online.

This is a fantastic example of using creativity and talent to give to others, particularly at a time that is so tough for so many. Well done Beatrice!

Baking 1