Chelsea Ballet Schools have returned to providing live lessons in school after a successful seven weeks of online lessons. The ballet staff are delighted to see so many familiar faces. The girls have approached their in-person lessons with as much enthusiasm and energy as they did their ‘zoom’ lessons, even a fire alarm this week couldn’t stop the year 1’s practicing their ballet. In fact, many other Junior School classes started to join in this spontaneous session in Graham Terrace!

Class ballet lessons have focused on improving whole body and hand/eye co-ordination using a variety of fun and colourful props. The girls have been encouraged to travel and use the space, a task which they have relished. Having our live pianist back has tested the girls listening skills and encouraged them to match the music.

Exam ballet is back in full swing and preparations for the Summer term exams, due to happen in late June, are well underway. Lessons have focussed on improving the girl’s posture and weight placement in addition to developing their knowledge of the syllabus content. The girls finished the term with a test of their ballet vocabulary.