Last term, through our charity red envelope initiative, 65 Christmas gift bags were sent out to children across our local community who otherwise would not have received much on Christmas Day. The bags, which were filled with an array of wonderful toys, were taken by Mrs Dixon and Miss Smith to KLS. As many of you may be aware, the Katherine Low Settlement is FHS’s longest standing charity. Katherine was even a student at Francis Holland over 100 years ago. Please see the video posted below showing three young children in a family excitedly opening some of the presents in their gift bags.

Next week, we will be asking all the girls, from Reception to Year 6, to write a card or letter to an elderly member of the KLS community. This activity will orgainised within PSHE on Wednesday morning. COVID has created huge challenges for these vulnerable members of society. Most live by themselves and have little contact with the outside world during lockdown. The girls will be encouraged to draw pictures, write poems and tell their recipients what their remote learning at home has been like. All letters and cards will be posted to Mr Russell at school, where they will then be redistributed.

By Mr Russell