On Wednesday 13th March, the Senior Hall of Francis Holland came alive with the energy and excitement of our Olympic-themed Senior Gym and Dance Display. Over 50 talented pupils from Years 7 to 10 showcased their athleticism, creativity, and dedication in an evening filled with inspiring performances.

Drawing inspiration from the Olympic Motto “Higher, Faster, Stronger Together” and the Olympic Values of Respect, Excellence and Friendship, our students delivered mesmerising routines that celebrated the spirit of unity, achievement and sportsmanship.

From dynamic gymnastic feats to beautifully choreographed dances, each performance radiated passion and determination. Our young athletes and dancers embraced the challenge of embodying the essence of the Olympics, pushing their boundaries and striving for greatness.

As they leaped higher, moved faster, and grew stronger together, our students exemplified the values of respect, excellence and friendship both on and off the stage. Their dedication to their craft and their commitment to supporting one another shone brightly throughout the evening.

We extend a huge congratulations to all of the girls for their outstanding performances. It is so inspirational to see the spirit of the Olympics echoed in these wonderful performances which reflect our own FHS values: striving to be the best versions of ourselves and fostering a community built on respect, excellence and friendship.

Miss Caister, Teacher of Physical Education

Gym and Dance Display 2024 (1)