Mvumi School Trust supported by FHS

Home>Support Us>Past Projects>FHS Giving Week

As a School, we are passionate about shaping our girls to be the difference in society. We want the girls to learn to give and to serve with humility, courage and determination to make that difference. Whether it is using our time, talent or treasure, we have the opportunity as a community to make a difference to those around us.

Thank you so much to those of you who supported our first Giving Week. We are delighted to announce that we have raised over £40,000! This is an absolutely wonderful result. Not only does it far exceed our target of £25,000, but it also clearly demonstrates the community spirit which has always excelled at Francis Holland. We are delighted to have had the support of so many people across the parent community and are thrilled to be able to send these much-needed funds to our partner school in Tanzania.

Thanks to your support, our Giving Week will allow them to completely refurbish their girls’ ablution block, as well as to transform the washing facilities for the boys, and cover the costs of solar panels for hot water. If we can raise just a little more, we will also be able to rebuild the security fence around the girls’ boarding house to keep them safe so please help us in this last push. These gifts will make such a difference to the day-to-day lives of the young people who attend Mvumi and we are so grateful for your support. If you still haven’t been able to make a donation, please think about doing so now, and we can look to build up our sponsorship fund too so that more children have the chance of an education.

We look forward to updating you all on what happens next at Mvumi. As a School we really can be the difference. Thank you!

To donate, please click on a button below or click below if you would like to donate another amount or via BACS or cheque. 

Please transfer your gift to Francis Holland Schools Trust for Mvumi School Trust to

Address: Natwest Bank, 2 Sloane Gardens, London, SW1W 8DL
Sort code: 60-19-26
Account number: 23725168
Reference: [Your full name] Mvumi
Swift/BIC Code: NWBK GB2L
IBAN Number: GB06NWBK60192623725168

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