The creative enterprise fair at FHS never fails to amaze me.

The innovative stalls in the playground ranged from all types of home-baked treats and bubble-tea stations, to cleverly crafted goods and even Starbucks drinks remade. As a Sixth Former myself, I was extremely impressed by what they had created and could see the bright futures ahead of these mini-entrepreneurs. At such an age, they are experiencing competition first-hand in an environment where they can learn from their mistakes and successes, while enjoying the profits made from their own hard work. I would have loved an opportunity like this at my old school and am so glad that chances like this are open to the students all year round.

Jasmine Amin, UVI 

The Spring Term Enterprise Fair took place on Thursday 16th March. This has become a termly highlight for so many pupils with over 30 stallholders selling items from bookmarks to bubble tea, crepes to beautiful Mother’s Day necklaces. These events build confidence, negotiation skills, provide pupils with a better understanding of money but we also ask all stallholders to donate 10% of their profits to charity.

Mr Dyson, Director of Creative Enterprise

Spring Creative Enterprise Fair