Andrew Wilson, Professor of Ukrainian Studies at University College London, and a graduate of Oxford University, came to speak to the Sixth Form on the topic of the current Russia-Ukraine war.

Professor Wilson, who is a fluent speaker of Ukrainian, the author of numerous books on the subject and an adviser to the UK and EU governments, enlightened us with an informative talk. We learned about the historical background to the conflict and were given an insight into the respective leadership of the two countries. It was a privilege to be able to gain an objective understanding of the background to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, particularly at a time of heightened anxiety about the situation.

The Sixth Form were given an insight into the current state of affairs in the war and possible future outcomes, enabling us to appreciate the historical context, without being distracted by some of the scaremongering that has been a feature of media coverage.

Mairi Stewart, LVIS, and Mrs Ramage, Assistant Head of Sixth Form

Sixth Form Speaker Programme - Prof Andrew Wilson (3)