On Wednesday 9th June the Year 6 girls had a fun-filled morning when they were lucky enough to take part in an Oliver! workshop, led by professional actor, Charles Aitken.

The morning consisted of Oliver! themed drama games, run throughs of scenes and some individual character work. The girls benefited tremendously from Charles’ theatrical experience and were able to apply what they learned to bring their characters to life in an exciting and dynamic way. Through the workshop, the girls were able to explore in more detail the themes in Oliver!, as well as having great fun experimenting with cockney accents! The workshop certainly whetted the girls’ appetite for the upcoming production and we all very much look forward to seeing the notorious heroes and villains brought to life on stage in the very near future.

The experience was such a treat for the girls, and they were incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to work with an actor who had himself been in a production of Oliver!.