Yesterday, Thursday 7th October, was National Poetry Day. This is a UK-wide celebration of poetry and this year the theme is Choice. In class the girls shared and enjoyed some of their favourite poems. Some also created their own. In the Junior School we believe that poetry connects us to our inner world. It is at the heart of out English curriculum and studied from Reception to Year 6.

Below, I have shared our aims in the different key stages across the school:

EYFS: In our early years’ curriculum, our aim is to take the very first steps in developing a love of language and a relationship with literature. We want to nurture the inner poet in every girl and begin the journey of connecting them to their selves and the world around them. Rhythm and rhyme, art, stories, music and free play all work together to begin a journey into poetry that we hope will sustain throughout their lives.

Year 1 and 2: In Year 1 and year 2, the girls are encouraged to experience the pure joy that comes from looking at the world through the eyes of a poet. They are taught to see poetry in the everyday and to experiment, create and discuss ideas freely.

Year 3 and 4: As the girls progress into these years, they engage with a wide variety of poetic forms and are given a tool kit for analysis. They continue to create poetry and are shown how poetry can help create an outlet for our emotions.

Year 5 and 6: In preparation for the transition to senior school, the girls study a wide range of poetry from the literary canon. They are taught to analyse, debate and form connections with the work they study. We hope to instil a lifelong love of reading and writing poetry, empowering empathetic and creative young women.

We encourage you to embrace poetry in your homes: create and discuss poetry with your daughters, but most importantly most importantly read with your daughters.

For more information about National Poetry Day, please follow the link: