This week girls in Year 7 and Year 8 have been taking part in a range of stimulating, challenging (and fun) workshops as part of the highly anticipated TIPS Week. TIPS stands for Thinking Innovatively and Problem Solving. It’s a programme of practical workshops that foster the Seven Cs – Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Curiosity, Craftsmanship, Commitment and Confidence.

This year girls have taken part in an enormous variety of workshops, some run by external providers, but most organised and led by the staff of FHS, who share their own passions and interests. Father Kenny has taught girls how to Garden on a Budget; Ms Riaz has given the girls their very own ‘Apprentice’-style competition; Misses Hammond, Lorimer and Tompkins have introduced girls to ‘Spikeball’; Dr Hayes, Mrs Jensen and Mr Hayward have made mosaics with the girls; Ms Clements and Mr Bartram have led the girls through a Dissection workshop; Miss James has taught the girls how to be codebreakers; and many other staff have led interesting and active workshops – Stage Combat, Design Thinking, Curve Stitching, Slow Media, Art Installations, Conducting, Swing Dancing, French Sock Puppet Theatre, Super Note Taking…

…and it’s not just limited to the staff! Rosie Walsh (Year 13) has been using her expertise and experience as a young entrepreneur to help Dr Price and Mr Trussell with their ‘Jewellery Making’ workshop, and Cara Vogels (Year 12) has shared her passion for Drama by leading her very own workshop on ‘The Women of Shakespeare’. Wow!

We are looking forward to sharing our TIPS Week highlights video with you after half term!

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