On 9th November, Year 11 Theology & Philosophy pupils visited Bhaktivedanta Manor in Herefordshire to compliment their study of Hinduism at GCSE. Pupils were treated to a full day of immersive learning at the Hare Krishna Centre which had been built due to a large donation made by George Harrison in the 1970s.

The trip included a visit of the beautiful gardens, a tour of the famous Hare Krishna guru Srila Prabhupada shine where we witnessed an aarti ceremony which means ‘the ceremony of lights’ as well as a visit to the compassionate farm where pupils were allowed to feed carrots to the cows. We even experienced an oxon cart ride!

Furthermore, the girls were given lectures from Alison, a member of the community, on different Hindu artefacts and the history of Hinduism. We were treated to a delicious vegetarian lunch of paneer curry with rice and poori. It was a very enjoyable trip which has brought the study of Hinduism alive for year 11.

Ms. Crawley, Head of Theology & Philosophy

Bhaktivedanta Manor trip 4