This week at Lunch N’ Learn, we had the pleasure of having Susan Willis, a consultant urological surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, speak about the sustainability in operating theatres. We were surprised to hear that the NHS produces 4% of the UK’s yearly CO₂ emissions – most of which comes from hospitals. Operating theatres are a major part of this, producing over 50% of total hospital waste, as they use many single-use products, including piping drapes and surgical hats and gloves. She discussed the circular economy of reusable vs. single use medical products to demonstrate they are not only better for the environment, but also cost effective. We also learned that operating theatres are 6 times more energy intensive than clinical wards, with their 22 air changes per hour, heavy lighting and lots of equipment. Additionally, inhaled anaesthetics – such as desflurane, isoflurane or nitrous oxide – are potent greenhouse gases. To reduce the amount of anaesthesia needed, hospitals can use total intra-venous anaesthesia or regional/local anaesthesia.

The students and teachers asked many questions, and we had another exciting lecture at Lunch N’ Learn!

Gaby, Lower Sixth Student and STEAM Prefect