Just as our very hungry caterpillars begin to form their chrysalides, we have received another very special, rather chirpier, delivery in Reception. On Monday morning, ten little eggs arrived in school, all warm and snug inside their incubator. What a surprise the girls had on Wednesday morning when all the eggs cracked open and out came ten tiny chicks! Now we will care for them and observe them as they grow over the coming week, making sure they get everything they need to thrive. The girls are so excited to see how they will change and they cannot wait to hold them once the chicks are strong enough.

Up in KS2, Year 5 have also been busy exploring the fascinating life cycles of different animals. They have created colourful and engaging leaflets and posters that can be used as teaching aids to support younger children with their learning. On Wednesday afternoon, the older girls had a wonderful time sharing their work with Reception, who were a captivated and very curious audience. It was a pleasure to witness some of our oldest girls taking on the role of expert teacher for our youngest in such a responsible and thoughtful way. Well done Year 5!

Junior School Spring into Life in Science (23)