We’re pleased to remind you that this half term our parenting talk is being given by Deana Puccio, of the RAP project (http://therapproject.co.uk/).

Deana has a huge wealth of experience and wisdom on all things ‘teenage girl’, but will be speaking specifically on online safety, a talk that she titles ‘Digital Natives’. She explores what young people are doing on online, including a focus on sexting, cyber bullying, online grooming and pornography. This might sound alarming, or perhaps is something you are confident your daughter would never be involved in. We know though that girls can inadvertently be drawn into these activities without our or your knowledge. Deana shares practical advice on maintaining a positive digital footprint, protecting privacy, setting boundaries and practising kindness online.

The talk is available as a recording, in the hope that as many of you as possible will be able to view it online at a time that suits you.  Deana’s talk will be shared in this week’s newsletter and is intended for parents only; we teach girls in all years about online safety through the Life Skills programme, and have arranged some targeted extra sessions for Years 8 and 9, as we know you are concerned about their digital wellbeing during lockdown.