Headmistress, Lucy Elphinstone, spoke to Marina Fogle on her podcast ‘The Parent Hood’ to discuss life for children in a post pandemic world.

Here at Francis Holland School, Sloane Square, girls are encouraged to take risks and ‘do it scared’ – a mentality that has become increasingly relevant in life after Covid where, for over a year, children have lost their freedoms. So how do we encourage our children to be brave in this new world? Supporting the mental health of children has become ever more important for schools, according to Mrs Elphinstone. Particularly at Francis Holland, ContemPlace aids fantastically in the girls’ pastoral care. A soothing environment of tropical fish and therapy dog, Kanga, set the scene for girls to pop in to see the school counsellors in confidence.

The effects of the pandemic on children are substantial but children, by their very nature, are resilient. Marina and Lucy can be heard on “The Parent Hood” podcast here: The Parent Hood – Encouraging our children to be brave in a post pandemic world (google.com)

We suggest starting the podcast after the advertisements at 3.20 minutes in.