On the penultimate evening of the Autumn Term, our FHS community gathered in the majestic St Columba’s Church for our annual Carol Service. Spirits were high as guests gathered in the Lower Hall for a festive drinks reception before ascending to the Church, met by beautiful organ music by organists Inga de Vegvar and Mr Richard Pinel. The service was led by Mrs Elphinstone and School Chaplain Rev. van der Hart, with a little help from Rev. Will van der Hart, who kindly stepped in to assist with the service. Interpolated with traditional Carols such as ‘Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’ and ‘Once in Royal David’s City’, the Service featured readings from a pupil from every year of the School and wonderful singing from our various choirs.

Concluding the Autumn Term with our annual Carol Service is always a highlight of the festive season here at FHS, and thank you so much to all of the families who joined us last night. Merry Christmas everyone, and have a wonderful break!

Christmas Carol Service 2022 (16)