The Architecture in Schools programme concluded with a bang on Thursday 8th June as the Year 5 girls worked collaboratively and tirelessly to transform their incredible ideas into a 3D model.

Using a variety of materials and 3D skills to problem solve and construct a range of structures and landscapes, the children worked in groups to produce four different levels – underground, cultural/performance space, parks and landscapes and housing. They were expertly guided by two leading architects – David Hodgson and Xintong Chen – from the award-winning practice, Haworth Tompkins, who encouraged and inspired the children to take ownership of their designs and builds.

The overall design was playful, colourful and full of creativity and originality. There was an underground VR supermarket, a bouncy castle, laser tag, and beautifully landscaped gardens with a pond full of water lilies as well as a rainbow bicycle rental stand and playful and creatively shaped housing structures. Year 5 were tasked with ‘bringing back the wonder’ to Earls Court, and they have certainly achieved this through an imaginative, sustainable and inclusive wonderland for all.

We are now very much looking forward to the Architecture in Schools Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 5th July at the Ibis Hotel, West Brompton! All Year 5 girls and their parents are invited. Please see details on the invitation and let Mrs Amin know if you would like to attend.

Miss van Kamp, Head of Junior School Art

Year 5 Architecture in Schools Model Making Workshop