On Tuesday 4th July 2023, FHS hosted its third ever TEDx day, in which around 20 students presented an eight minute talk in response to the theme ‘How do you solve a problem like…?’.

The audience was presented with a wide range of problems and solutions, ranging from nuclear energy to literary censorship. While the experience did push me and many others out of their comfort zone, it was also extremely rewarding to be able to speak on a topic I felt passionate about, especially to such a supportive audience.

As well as presenting a talk, I also got to assist with the technical side of the production such as setting up microphones and controlling the sound. Finally, in between these talks, the Lower Sixth also got to participate in creative workshops such as friendship bracelet making. It was really inspiring to hear all the speakers’ proposed way of solving their chosen ‘problem’.

Betsy Leighton, Lower Sixth

TEDx 2023 (16)