This Thursday, the Sixth Form were fortunate to receive a talk by Robert Cuffe, Head of Statistics at BBC News.

Mr Cuffe was incredibly engaging from the beginning, where he started off by playing a game where he tried to find a ‘psychic’ in the crowd (he found one!). He then went on to describe his role at the BBC, which sounded quite stressful, but it was quite clear that he considered it worth the stress because of his passion for statistics and for what he does.

Later on in the talk, he went on to share some statistics that shocked us, and showed us how often the media can make statistics out to be a lot scarier than they actually are. Finally, Mr Cuffe finished off the talk by acting out an entertaining and priceless extract from ‘The Inbetweeners’, which highlighted the importance of catchy headlines for newspapers and media outlets.

Each and every sixth former found this talk hilarious, engaging and compelling; there is no doubt that we learned and laughed a great amount.

Ruqayyah Noordeen, Lower Sixth