This week we were joined by barrister Jason Galbraith-Marten for the Sixth Form Speaker Programme.

Jason Galbraith-Marten was called to the Bar in 1991 so he has been practicing as a barrister for over 30 years. He is a KC – King’s Counsel – which means that he is one of the most highly regarded barristers of his generation and was voted ‘Barrister of the Year’ in 2022. He specialises in employment law and over the past few years has been working to establish that gig economy workers, like Uber drivers and bike couriers, have basic employment law rights such as the right to be paid minimum wage and to receive holiday pay. He also owns and runs a very successful witness training business, which we were lucky enough to hear about. He gave an extremely interesting talk, that gave both advice on the world of law and what it is to be a lawyer, as well advice we can use in day-to-day life. Jason was interactive in his demonstration on the flawed nature of our memory, as well as showing us how our breathing changes (a demonstration on a heart rate monitor) and how that effects our performance. His talk was on, ‘The Psychology of Law and Performance’, which bridged two very interesting topics, in which we all learnt how to perform well in stressful situations, weather that be performing in court or in our exams.

Georgia G, Lower Sixth