On Thursday 3rd November, FHS hosted a series of masterclasses run by members of staff on subjects ranging from the thalidomide crisis to contemporary Chinese politics.

The event was attended by members of the UVI, as well as by over 40 students from a host of other schools, including several Hackney academies, Greycoats and Westminster. There was a wonderfully warm, friendly and enthusiastic buzz to the evening, views on all sides were challenged and everyone enjoyed the substantial tea laid on by the catering team.

The last word goes to a student from Clapton Girls’ Academy who emailed appreciatively later in the evening:

“I really enjoyed today. The teachers and students were really friendly, and the cookies were lovely. I never expected the seminar to be that interesting – it made me think more critically and deeply about things I wouldn’t normally think about. I hope there will be more seminars I can attend in the future.”