There was rain and the wind was fierce, but the intrepid FHS engineers persevered and overcame with outstanding resilience to face the final egg drop in the final week of the Spring Term.  With many thanks to the Junior School staff who kindly loaned us the use of their staff room high-level balcony, our launch pad was set.  A landing zone demarcated on the playground below.

Awards were given out for: Creativity of Design; The Most Elegant Flight; The Design which Ground Control was convinced would fail, but was stunning; Grit and Resilience, for the team who had to rethink and rebuild after every trial; The Most Spectacular Egg Smash; The Furthest Distance flown off Course; and the ultimate accolade of the Slowest Descent with an Intact Payload.

Mission control attempted to steal the show with a craft designed by Dr Price, PhD in Physics: a triangular pyramid cage attached to a 2-meter diameter rigid parachute.  Unfortunately, in the high winds an umbrella collapse occurred.  Staff members being truly outsmarted by their pupils, we are delighted to congratulate the overall winners………Team STEALTHEGGIES, future aeronautical engineers Nola Meyohas 7Q, Amelia Waring 7Q and Sarina Kaladeen 7H.  Watch out NASA!

Victoria Marshall

Learning Support and Teacher of Science

Mission to Mars