On Thursday 29th April, the GCSE Drama students of Year 10 expertly performed a series of both classical and contemporary monologues. From worryingly poor tattoo artists through to overly familiar school tour guides and girls with aspirations of Hollywood fame, Millie Hildreath, Vicky Hamlyn and Thea Haith all brought out a host of quirky eccentricities to their roles and with this plenty of laughs from the audience. Claudia Woolf, Honor Jones, Anna Campbell and Sofia Gironi all played classical roles from Oscar Wilde through to Shakespeare, Arthur Miller and Tennesee Williams. These were powerful performances of vigour, as compelling as they were heart felt. Finally, Katarina Ghanem, Keziah Atherton and Elize Martin all performed in contemporary pieces, demonstrating excellent vocal and physical  skills, vulnerability and humour.

More than any other year, the girls are to be commended on producing such engaging performances having had to rehearse them during the course of a January Lockdown. Yet from extraordinary circumstances come extraordinary young women, who I am certain will be become part of the next generation of bright lights to blossom from Francis Holland’s Drama Department.

Matthew Rowlands-Roberts
Head of Drama

GCSE Drama (31)