Follow this page and our Instagram for live updates from Expeditions Week!

Monday 26th June


We’ve arrived in the Lake District and are enjoying the stunning countryside. The first challenge: finding the campsite while carrying all your gear! Still determined and still smiling!


Still trekking to the campsite! Displaying our grit and resilience.


We’ve arrived and are cooking supper using Trangias.

Tuesday 27th June


We’re up bright and early to make pancakes for breakfast and lunch to fuel us for the action-packed day ahead.


We’re a little wet but still smiling!!


We’ve gone to visit the famous Lake Windermere in the picturesque town, Bowness-on-Windermere.

Wednesday 28th June


We’re having an energetic and intrepid morning exploring the amazing, wild and rugged Lake District countryside.

Thursday 29th June

Today we headed out on our first full day of walking for our Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition. After a tiring but exhilarating day of walking, they spent the evening cooking gourmet (as gourmet as a portable camping stove will allow…) meals at camp.

Year 9 Expedition to the Lake District (3)