Bright and early on Monday morning, nine intrepid Year 10 charity reps visited the Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank Warehouse to volunteer. They found out all about how the foodbank operates and how important our monthly donations are to its work. The below video outlines more about the amazing work the foodbank do.

Our next collection is on Tuesday 14th March.

Additionally, our Year 8 Charity Reps visited the Elders’ Lunch Club at KLS on Thursday to chat and get to know the older folk. It was exciting to hear the life stories of people who have lived in London for decades – and Dr Hayes was even challenged to a friendly arm wrestle! This visit forms part of our Year 8 Easter Eggs for Elders Initiative, in which all of Year 8 will provide chocolate eggs and cards for the Elders (and many will go over to visit in the coming weeks too!) We’re grateful to Lindsay Haase for helping to run this initiative on behalf of the SSPA.

Mr Galloway, Head of Outreach